Chinese Journal of Rice Science

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Rapid Identification of Starch Viscosity Property of Early Indica Rice Varieties with Different Apparent Amylose Content by RVA Profile

WU Dian-xing; SHU Qing-yao; XIA Ying-wu   

  1. (Institute of Nuclear Agricultural Sciences; Zhejiang University; Hangzhou 310029; China)
  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2001-01-10 Published:2001-01-10


吴殿星; 舒庆尧; 夏英武;   

  1. 浙江大学 原子核农业科学研究所,浙江 杭州 310029;

Abstract: By Rapid Visco Analyzer (RVA), the starch viscosity properties of early indica rice varieties (lines), which were recently released in Zhejiang Province were analyzed. Different varieties had distinct RVA profiles, and the varieties (lines) with low or high apparent amylose content(AAC) could be quickly distinguished by the setback. In general, the setback values of low AAC varieties (lines) were negative, but those of moderate or higher AAC varieties (lines) were positive. According to the values of breakdown and setback, it could evaluate the superior or inferior properties of starch viscosity of rice varieties with similar AAC. The breakdown value of RVA profile was closely related to gel consistency and rice taste, and the setback value was linked to rice texture. It suggested that the characteristics of RVA profiles could be used as an important physical / chemical marker to assisted selecting good quality rice.

Key words: starch, viscosity property, apparent amylose content, rice, rice quality

摘要: 采用粘度速测仪分析了浙江省新近培育的早籼稻新品种(系)的淀粉粘滞特性,结果表明不同品种(系)具有特征性RVA谱。依消减值可有效区分出品种(系)表观直链淀粉含量(AAC)的高低。低AAC品种(系)的消减值一般为负值,中等或高AAC品种(系)的消减值为正值。中等AAC品种(系)间食用品质的优劣,可根据消减值和崩解值判断。RVA谱的崩解值与胶稠度和米饭口感相关,消减值与米饭质地关联。上述结果表明, RVA谱特性可望作为理化标记在优质稻米育种中发挥重要作用。

关键词: 淀粉, 粘滞特性, 表观直链淀粉含量