Chinese Journal of Rice Science

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Resistance Evaluation of New Rice Varieties (Lines) to Rice Blast in Jiangsu Province

LIU Yong-feng 1; LU Fan 1; CHEN Zhi-yi 1; JI Jian-an 2; CHEN Yu-lin 1; GAO Yuan 3   

  1. (1Institute of Plant Protection; Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences; Nanjing 210014; China; 2Jiangsu Province Seed Management Station; Nanjing 210013, China; 3 Plant Protection and Quarantine Station of Zhangjiagang, Zhangjiagang 215600, China)
  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2002-01-10 Published:2002-01-10


刘永锋 1; 陆 凡 1; 陈志谊 1; 吉建安 2; 陈毓苓 1; 高 渊 3   

  1. 1江苏省农业科学院 植物保护研究所, 江苏 南京 210014; 2江苏省种子管理站, 江苏 南京 210013; 3江苏省张家港植保植检站, 江苏 张家港 215600

Abstract: The resistance of 335 rice varieties (lines) of Jiangsu Province to rice blast were evaluated in 1996-2000. The results showed the resistance to rice blast was higher in middle-season indica rice and indica hybrid rice, the resistance ratio to all tested races were 76.6% and 85.1% respectively. While the middle-season japonica rice and late-season japonica rice showed low, the resistance ratio to all tested races were 18.2% and 32.1% respectively. Most of middle-season indica rice and indica hybrid rice combinations were infected by only one isolate; While the middle-season japonica rice and late-season japonica rice were mainly infected by three isolates or more. It indicated that the resistance pedigree of the middle-season japonica and late-season japonica rice was narrow, and appearing diversity. The race ZG 1 kept a stable infection ratio to Jiangsu Province rice varieties.

Key words: rice variety, rice blast, resistance, evaluation

摘要: 对1996~2000年的335份江苏省水稻新品种(系)进行了抗稻瘟病性的分析,江苏省新品种(系)中常规中籼和杂交籼稻对江苏省稻瘟病菌有很好的抗性,对参试菌株的全抗率分别为76.6%和85.1%,中粳稻和单季晚粳稻对江苏省稻瘟病菌的抗性相对较差,全抗率为18.2%和32.1%。感病的籼稻品种对参试的稻瘟病菌代表菌株中的1个菌株感病频率较高,对2个或2个以上的菌株同时感病的频率很低,而感病的中粳稻和单季晚粳稻品种同时对参试的稻瘟病菌代表菌株3个或3个以上的菌株表现感病频率较高,并表现出感病谱的多样性。从参试的品种对江苏省稻瘟病菌感病分布情况来看,中G1小种对大多数品种保持了比较稳定的侵染率。

关键词: 水稻品种, 稻瘟病, 抗性, 评价