中国水稻科学 ›› 2024, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (6): 672-684.DOI: 10.16819/j.1001-7216.2024.240110
刘俊峰1,2, 牟静怡2, 赵红艳2, 郭诗梦2, 李漪濛2, 梁超2, 周婵婵2,*(), 王术2,*(), 黄元财2
LIU Junfeng1,2, MOU Jingyi2, ZHAO Hongyan2, GUO Shimeng2, LI Yimeng2, LIANG Chao2, ZHOU Chanchan2,*(), WANG Shu2,*(), HUANG Yuancai2
【目的】研究施氮方式与行距配置对不同穗型粳稻产量和氮素利用率的影响,明确其最佳组合,为辽宁水稻高产高效栽培提供理论依据。【方法】以沈稻9号(穗粒兼顾型)、沈稻505(穗数型)和沈稻527(穗重型)为材料于2019年和2020年在沈阳市进行田间试验,设置N0(不施氮肥)、N1(农户方式)、N2(底氮减施)、N3(底氮减施后移)4种施氮方式和R1(常规行距30 cm)、R2(缩行增密25 cm)、R3(宽窄行40 cm+20 cm) 3种行距配置,分析其对不同穗型粳稻产量及氮素利用率的影响。【结果】施氮方式与行距配置对不同穗型粳稻产量和氮素利用率有极显著影响和互作效应。N3可以通过提高单位面积颖花数、结实率、千粒重、干物质积累量、氮素积累量、氮肥偏生产力、氮肥农学利用率和氮肥回收利用率来增加沈稻9号、沈稻505的产量和氮素利用率,但沈稻527却在N1实现高产,在N2实现高效目标。对于行距配置的响应,3个品种表现大致相同,产量、单位面积颖花数、干物质积累量、氮素积累量、氮肥偏生产力、氮肥农学利用率和氮肥回收利用率均在R2达到最高。施氮方式与行距配置互作显示,沈稻9号和沈稻505在N3R2产量最高,与N1R1相比,分别增加了18.53%和14.27%的产量,18.38%和22.47%的干物质积累量,37.22%和29.15%的氮素积累量,39.30%和34.25%的氮肥偏生产力,52.59 %和26.73%的氮肥农学利用率,27.65%和17.70%的氮肥回收利用率,降低了15.75%和8.16%的土壤氮依存率。沈稻527产量则在N1R1、N1R2和N2R2处理下较高且差异不显著,但比较3个组合的干物质积累量、氮素积累量以及氮素利用率,N2R2表现优异。【结论】在本试验条件下,沈稻9号、沈稻505的最适组合为底氮减施后移和行距25 cm,沈稻527为底氮减施和行距25 cm,此时3个品种高产且氮肥利用率也较高。
刘俊峰, 牟静怡, 赵红艳, 郭诗梦, 李漪濛, 梁超, 周婵婵, 王术, 黄元财. 施氮方式与行距配置对不同穗型粳稻品种产量和氮素利用率的影响[J]. 中国水稻科学, 2024, 38(6): 672-684.
LIU Junfeng, MOU Jingyi, ZHAO Hongyan, GUO Shimeng, LI Yimeng, LIANG Chao, ZHOU Chanchan, WANG Shu, HUANG Yuancai. Effects of Nitrogen Application Practice and Row Spacing on Yield and Nitrogen Use Efficiency in japonica Rice With Different Panicle Types[J]. Chinese Journal OF Rice Science, 2024, 38(6): 672-684.
年份 Year | pH值 pH value | 有机质含量 Organic matter content(g/kg) | 全氮 Total N (g/kg) | 全磷 Total P (g/kg) | 全钾 Total K (g/kg) | 速效氮 Available N (mg/kg) | 速效磷 Available P (mg/kg) | 速效钾 Available K (mg/kg) |
2019 | 7.28 | 18.47 | 1.24 | 0.96 | 15.88 | 107.67 | 14.34 | 86.59 |
2020 | 7.22 | 17.96 | 1.28 | 1.03 | 14.16 | 112.31 | 13.49 | 98.20 |
表1 2019和2020水稻移栽前0-20 cm土壤理化性状
Table 1. Physical and chemical properties of 0-20 cm soil before rice transplanting in 2019 and 2020
年份 Year | pH值 pH value | 有机质含量 Organic matter content(g/kg) | 全氮 Total N (g/kg) | 全磷 Total P (g/kg) | 全钾 Total K (g/kg) | 速效氮 Available N (mg/kg) | 速效磷 Available P (mg/kg) | 速效钾 Available K (mg/kg) |
2019 | 7.28 | 18.47 | 1.24 | 0.96 | 15.88 | 107.67 | 14.34 | 86.59 |
2020 | 7.22 | 17.96 | 1.28 | 1.03 | 14.16 | 112.31 | 13.49 | 98.20 |
施氮方式 N application pattern | 合计 Total | 基肥 Basal fertilizer | 分蘖肥 Fertilizer for tillering | 拔节肥 Fertilizer for panicle initiation | 孕穗肥 Fertilizer for panicle differentiation |
不施氮肥Zero nitrogen(N0) | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
农户方式Farmer’s practice(N1) | 235 | 155 | 30 | 50 | 0 |
底氮减施Reduced basal nitrogen application(N2) | 200 | 120 | 30 | 50 | 0 |
底氮减施后移Reduced and delayed basal nitrogen(N3) | 200 | 80 | 30 | 50 | 40 |
表2 氮肥运筹方案
Table 2. Experimental design of nitrogen application management kg/hm2
施氮方式 N application pattern | 合计 Total | 基肥 Basal fertilizer | 分蘖肥 Fertilizer for tillering | 拔节肥 Fertilizer for panicle initiation | 孕穗肥 Fertilizer for panicle differentiation |
不施氮肥Zero nitrogen(N0) | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
农户方式Farmer’s practice(N1) | 235 | 155 | 30 | 50 | 0 |
底氮减施Reduced basal nitrogen application(N2) | 200 | 120 | 30 | 50 | 0 |
底氮减施后移Reduced and delayed basal nitrogen(N3) | 200 | 80 | 30 | 50 | 40 |
变异来源 Source of variation | 单位面积穗数 Panicles per unit area | 每穗颖花数 Spikelets per panicle | 单位面积 颖花数 Spikelets per unit area | 结实率 Seed- setting rate | 千粒重 1000- grain weight | 产量 Grain yield | 干物质 积累量 Dry matter accumulation | 氮素积累量 N accumulation | 氮肥偏生产力 PFPN | 氮肥农学利用率 AEN | 氮肥回收利用率 REN | 土壤氮依存率 CRSN |
年份Year(Y) | ** | ** | ** | ns | ns | ** | ** | ns | ** | ns | ns | ns |
品种Cultivar(C) | ** | ** | ** | ** | ** | ** | ns | ** | ** | ** | ** | ** |
施氮方式Nitrogen fertilization pattern(N) | ** | ** | ** | ** | ** | ** | ** | ** | ** | ** | ** | ** |
行距配置 Row spacing(R) | ** | ** | ** | ** | ns | ** | ** | ** | ** | ** | ** | ** |
Y×C | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns |
Y×N | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns |
Y×R | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns |
C×N | ** | ** | ** | ** | ** | ** | ** | * | ** | ** | ** | ** |
C×R | ** | ** | ** | ** | ns | ** | ** | ns | ** | ns | ** | ** |
N×R | ** | ** | ** | ** | ns | ** | ** | ** | ** | ** | ** | ** |
Y×C×N | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns |
Y×C×R | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns |
Y×N×R | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns |
C×N×R | ** | ** | ** | ** | ns | ** | ns | ** | ** | ** | ** | ** |
Y×C×N×R | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns |
表3 两年所有测试指标的方差分析
Table 3. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) for all indicators tested in 2019 and 2020
变异来源 Source of variation | 单位面积穗数 Panicles per unit area | 每穗颖花数 Spikelets per panicle | 单位面积 颖花数 Spikelets per unit area | 结实率 Seed- setting rate | 千粒重 1000- grain weight | 产量 Grain yield | 干物质 积累量 Dry matter accumulation | 氮素积累量 N accumulation | 氮肥偏生产力 PFPN | 氮肥农学利用率 AEN | 氮肥回收利用率 REN | 土壤氮依存率 CRSN |
年份Year(Y) | ** | ** | ** | ns | ns | ** | ** | ns | ** | ns | ns | ns |
品种Cultivar(C) | ** | ** | ** | ** | ** | ** | ns | ** | ** | ** | ** | ** |
施氮方式Nitrogen fertilization pattern(N) | ** | ** | ** | ** | ** | ** | ** | ** | ** | ** | ** | ** |
行距配置 Row spacing(R) | ** | ** | ** | ** | ns | ** | ** | ** | ** | ** | ** | ** |
Y×C | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns |
Y×N | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns |
Y×R | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns |
C×N | ** | ** | ** | ** | ** | ** | ** | * | ** | ** | ** | ** |
C×R | ** | ** | ** | ** | ns | ** | ** | ns | ** | ns | ** | ** |
N×R | ** | ** | ** | ** | ns | ** | ** | ** | ** | ** | ** | ** |
Y×C×N | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns |
Y×C×R | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns |
Y×N×R | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns |
C×N×R | ** | ** | ** | ** | ns | ** | ns | ** | ** | ** | ** | ** |
Y×C×N×R | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns |
品种 Cultivar | 处理 Treatment | 单位面积穗数 Panicles per unit area(×104/hm2) | 每穗颖花数 Spikelets per panicle | 单位面积颖花数 Spikelets per unit area (×107/hm2) | 结实率 Seed-setting rate (%) | 千粒重 1000-grain weight (g) | 产量 Grain yield (t/hm2) |
沈稻9号 | N0 | 220.54±10.56 d | 115.62±3.04 d | 25.48±0.85 d | 91.42±1.20 a | 24.10±0.19 a | 5.11±0.32 c |
Shendao 9 | N1 | 365.91±38.92 a | 120.32±6.96 c | 43.80±2.27 c | 83.86±1.39 c | 23.37±0.35 b | 8.47±0.18 b |
N2 | 356.38±25.96 b | 130.41±2.86 b | 46.42±2.52 b | 85.08±2.34 c | 23.44±0.55 b | 8.56±0.42 b | |
N3 | 345.57±27.83 c | 140.48±5.71 a | 48.42±2.26 a | 87.95±2.26 b | 23.73±0.42 ab | 8.97±0.72 a | |
沈稻 505 | N0 | 257.41±24.93 d | 98.42±2.66 d | 25.35±2.75 c | 85.47±1.14 a | 25.96±0.39 a | 4.36±0.43 d |
Shendao 505 | N1 | 484.09±32.11 a | 111.65±3.30 c | 54.04±3.72 a | 69.97±3.35 c | 24.23±0.62 c | 8.77±0.23 b |
N2 | 428.41±37.15 b | 116.10±7.69 b | 49.84±6.27 b | 72.11±4.01 b | 24.97±0.22 b | 8.41±0.82 c | |
N3 | 410.26±21.69 c | 128.56±3.74 a | 52.75±3.28 a | 73.03±3.49 b | 25.18±0.25 b | 9.01±0.61 a | |
沈稻 527 | N0 | 153.00±16.81 d | 157.86±10.77 d | 24.00±1.32 c | 95.92±0.87 a | 28.23±0.43 a | 5.09±0.41 d |
Shendao 527 | N1 | 237.94±18.99 a | 172.07±10.35 c | 40.48±1.32 a | 86.04±2.40 d | 25.53±0.62 b | 8.52±0.26 a |
N2 | 224.47±14.98 b | 182.81±8.13 b | 40.94±1.55 a | 90.10±1.97 c | 24.98±1.18 b | 8.20±0.48 b | |
N3 | 198.83±23.40 c | 191.36±12.95 a | 37.80±2.42 b | 92.07±1.50 b | 25.56±0.46 b | 7.76±0.59 c |
表4 施氮方式对水稻产量及其构成因素的影响
Table 4. Effects of N application pattern on rice yield and its components
品种 Cultivar | 处理 Treatment | 单位面积穗数 Panicles per unit area(×104/hm2) | 每穗颖花数 Spikelets per panicle | 单位面积颖花数 Spikelets per unit area (×107/hm2) | 结实率 Seed-setting rate (%) | 千粒重 1000-grain weight (g) | 产量 Grain yield (t/hm2) |
沈稻9号 | N0 | 220.54±10.56 d | 115.62±3.04 d | 25.48±0.85 d | 91.42±1.20 a | 24.10±0.19 a | 5.11±0.32 c |
Shendao 9 | N1 | 365.91±38.92 a | 120.32±6.96 c | 43.80±2.27 c | 83.86±1.39 c | 23.37±0.35 b | 8.47±0.18 b |
N2 | 356.38±25.96 b | 130.41±2.86 b | 46.42±2.52 b | 85.08±2.34 c | 23.44±0.55 b | 8.56±0.42 b | |
N3 | 345.57±27.83 c | 140.48±5.71 a | 48.42±2.26 a | 87.95±2.26 b | 23.73±0.42 ab | 8.97±0.72 a | |
沈稻 505 | N0 | 257.41±24.93 d | 98.42±2.66 d | 25.35±2.75 c | 85.47±1.14 a | 25.96±0.39 a | 4.36±0.43 d |
Shendao 505 | N1 | 484.09±32.11 a | 111.65±3.30 c | 54.04±3.72 a | 69.97±3.35 c | 24.23±0.62 c | 8.77±0.23 b |
N2 | 428.41±37.15 b | 116.10±7.69 b | 49.84±6.27 b | 72.11±4.01 b | 24.97±0.22 b | 8.41±0.82 c | |
N3 | 410.26±21.69 c | 128.56±3.74 a | 52.75±3.28 a | 73.03±3.49 b | 25.18±0.25 b | 9.01±0.61 a | |
沈稻 527 | N0 | 153.00±16.81 d | 157.86±10.77 d | 24.00±1.32 c | 95.92±0.87 a | 28.23±0.43 a | 5.09±0.41 d |
Shendao 527 | N1 | 237.94±18.99 a | 172.07±10.35 c | 40.48±1.32 a | 86.04±2.40 d | 25.53±0.62 b | 8.52±0.26 a |
N2 | 224.47±14.98 b | 182.81±8.13 b | 40.94±1.55 a | 90.10±1.97 c | 24.98±1.18 b | 8.20±0.48 b | |
N3 | 198.83±23.40 c | 191.36±12.95 a | 37.80±2.42 b | 92.07±1.50 b | 25.56±0.46 b | 7.76±0.59 c |
品种 Cultivar | 处理 Treatment | 单位面积穗数 Panicles per unit area(×104/hm2) | 每穗颖花数 Spikelets per panicle | 单位面积颖花数 Spikelets per unit area (×107/hm2) | 结实率 Seed-setting rate (%) | 千粒重 1000-grain weight (g) | 产量 Grain yield (t/hm2) |
沈稻9号 | R1 | 312.48±60.60 b | 127.79±10.53 b | 40.30±9.71 b | 86.44±3.45 b | 23.48±0.62 b | 7.40±1.51 c |
Shendao 9 | R2 | 355.03±74.22 a | 121.41±10.05 c | 43.35±10.40 a | 86.36±3.89 b | 23.67±0.38 ab | 8.23±1.76 a |
R3 | 298.79±50.99 c | 130.92±10.43 a | 39.42±8.57 c | 88.43±2.81 a | 23.84±0.36 a | 7.71±1.64 b | |
沈稻 505 | R1 | 369.62±88.76 c | 109.53±11.36 c | 41.02±11.88 c | 75.17±6.24 b | 25.03±0.68 b | 7.12±1.94 c |
Shendao 505 | R2 | 426.11±99.27 a | 113.53±11.70 b | 49.00±13.66 a | 71.91±7.77 c | 24.89±0.93 b | 8.22±2.05 a |
R3 | 389.39±78.16 b | 117.98±11.88 a | 46.47±11.75 b | 78.36±5.29 a | 25.34±0.52 a | 7.57±2.04 b | |
沈稻 527 | R1 | 202.02±34.19 b | 174.79±11.74 b | 35.46±6.93 b | 90.63±5.03 b | 26.08±1.77 a | 7.54±1.36 b |
Shendao 527 | R2 | 223.57±34.72 a | 165.00±14.10 c | 37.16±7.57 a | 91.86±3.52 a | 25.99±1.39 a | 7.76±1.45 a |
R3 | 185.08±35.75 c | 188.29±14.49 a | 35.02±7.71 b | 90.60±3.46 b | 26.16±1.32 a | 6.88±1.48 c |
表5 行距配置对水稻产量及其构成因素的影响
Table 5. Effects of row spacing on yield and its components
品种 Cultivar | 处理 Treatment | 单位面积穗数 Panicles per unit area(×104/hm2) | 每穗颖花数 Spikelets per panicle | 单位面积颖花数 Spikelets per unit area (×107/hm2) | 结实率 Seed-setting rate (%) | 千粒重 1000-grain weight (g) | 产量 Grain yield (t/hm2) |
沈稻9号 | R1 | 312.48±60.60 b | 127.79±10.53 b | 40.30±9.71 b | 86.44±3.45 b | 23.48±0.62 b | 7.40±1.51 c |
Shendao 9 | R2 | 355.03±74.22 a | 121.41±10.05 c | 43.35±10.40 a | 86.36±3.89 b | 23.67±0.38 ab | 8.23±1.76 a |
R3 | 298.79±50.99 c | 130.92±10.43 a | 39.42±8.57 c | 88.43±2.81 a | 23.84±0.36 a | 7.71±1.64 b | |
沈稻 505 | R1 | 369.62±88.76 c | 109.53±11.36 c | 41.02±11.88 c | 75.17±6.24 b | 25.03±0.68 b | 7.12±1.94 c |
Shendao 505 | R2 | 426.11±99.27 a | 113.53±11.70 b | 49.00±13.66 a | 71.91±7.77 c | 24.89±0.93 b | 8.22±2.05 a |
R3 | 389.39±78.16 b | 117.98±11.88 a | 46.47±11.75 b | 78.36±5.29 a | 25.34±0.52 a | 7.57±2.04 b | |
沈稻 527 | R1 | 202.02±34.19 b | 174.79±11.74 b | 35.46±6.93 b | 90.63±5.03 b | 26.08±1.77 a | 7.54±1.36 b |
Shendao 527 | R2 | 223.57±34.72 a | 165.00±14.10 c | 37.16±7.57 a | 91.86±3.52 a | 25.99±1.39 a | 7.76±1.45 a |
R3 | 185.08±35.75 c | 188.29±14.49 a | 35.02±7.71 b | 90.60±3.46 b | 26.16±1.32 a | 6.88±1.48 c |
品种 Cultivar | 处理 Treatment | 单位面积穗数 Panicles per unit area(×104/hm2) | 每穗颖花数 Spikelets per panicle | 单位面积颖花数 Spikelets per unit area (×107/hm2) | 结实率 Seed-setting rate (%) | 千粒重 1000-grain weight(g) | 产量 Grain yield (t/hm2) |
沈稻9号 | N0R1 | 212.43±3.07 i | 115.87±2.83 fg | 24.61±0.40 h | 91.43±1.37 a | 24.13±0.28 a | 4.90±0.29 g |
Shendao 9 | N0R2 | 234.14±3.52 h | 112.58±1.35 gh | 26.36±0.61 g | 91.08±0.91 ab | 24.05±0.18 a | 5.43±0.27 f |
N0R3 | 215.04±1.66 i | 118.42±1.14 ef | 25.47±0.28 gh | 91.74±1.66 a | 24.12±0.15 a | 5.01±0.16 g | |
N1R1 | 351.69±7.48 d | 121.81±3.14 e | 42.84±1.58 ef | 83.71±0.81 ef | 23.15±0.53 bc | 8.31±0.23 de | |
N1R2 | 415.95±3.32 a | 111.95±1.57 h | 46.56±0.56 c | 82.80±1.15 f | 23.40±0.13 abc | 8.58±0.06 cd | |
N1R3 | 330.09±2.61 f | 127.20±1.46 d | 41.98±0.27 f | 85.06±1.36 def | 23.55±0.26 abc | 8.53±0.11 cd | |
N2R1 | 345.17±3.01 e | 131.70±2.30 c | 45.46±0.81 cd | 84.97±1.95 def | 23.00±0.62 c | 8.12±0.11 e | |
N2R2 | 390.25±2.21 b | 127.16±1.68 d | 49.62±0.54 ab | 82.84±0.70 f | 23.57±0.58 abc | 9.07±0.07 b | |
N2R3 | 333.73±1.50 f | 132.37±0.73 c | 44.17±0.19 de | 87.43±1.33 cd | 23.77±0.10 ab | 8.49±0.09 cd | |
N3R1 | 340.63±2.71 e | 141.80±1.71 b | 48.30±0.87 b | 85.65±2.53 de | 23.62±0.46 abc | 8.25±0.13 de | |
N3R2 | 379.79±1.25 c | 133.96±3.39 c | 50.87±1.13 a | 88.71±1.09 bc | 23.65±0.28 abc | 9.85±0.34 a | |
N3R3 | 316.29±3.01 g | 145.67±3.03 a | 46.08±1.07 c | 89.49±0.66 abc | 23.92±0.58 a | 8.81±0.06 bc | |
沈稻 505 | N0R1 | 231.82±0.00 f | 96.02±1.52 g | 22.26±0.35 g | 85.17±1.09 ab | 25.87±0.45 a | 4.01±0.11 h |
Shendao 505 | N0R2 | 272.22±20.30 e | 97.73±1.19 fg | 26.59±1.67 f | 84.49±0.18 b | 26.00±0.48 a | 4.86±0.05 g |
N0R3 | 268.18±24.24 e | 101.50±0.98 f | 27.21±2.34 f | 86.75±0.04 a | 26.00±0.40 a | 4.21±0.36 h | |
N1R1 | 462.64±2.96 b | 108.91±0.88 e | 50.39±0.65 d | 70.77±1.11 ef | 24.15±0.15 c | 8.55±0.18 de | |
N1R2 | 525.25±14.00 a | 110.71±1.53 e | 58.16±2.18 a | 65.90±1.39 h | 23.62±0.08 d | 8.92±0.18 c | |
N1R3 | 464.38±10.30 b | 115.32±2.74 d | 53.56±2.08 bc | 73.23±0.29 d | 24.92±0.50 b | 8.83±0.19 cd | |
N2R1 | 390.37±15.63 d | 107.14±3.09 e | 41.79±0.52 e | 71.85±2.09 de | 24.92±0.10 b | 7.46±0.13 f | |
N2R2 | 470.61±0.00 b | 117.47±0.85 d | 55.28±0.40 abc | 67.91±1.66 gh | 24.83±0.25 b | 9.32±0.12 b | |
N2R3 | 424.24±20.20 c | 123.69±4.10 c | 52.45±2.26 cd | 76.59±0.63 c | 25.17±0.18 b | 8.46±0.22 e | |
N3R1 | 393.64±10.10 d | 126.05±2.24 bc | 49.63±1.97 d | 72.90±1.95 de | 25.17±0.13 b | 8.48±0.21 e | |
N3R2 | 436.36±14.24 c | 128.23±3.90 ab | 55.96±2.77 ab | 69.33±1.33 fg | 25.10±0.38 b | 9.77±0.21 a | |
N3R3 | 400.77±2.48 d | 131.41±3.71 a | 52.66±1.18 cd | 76.86±0.62 c | 25.28±0.25 b | 8.78±0.17 cde | |
沈稻527 | N0R1 | 154.88±11.66 e | 158.47±1.75 f | 24.53±1.61 d | 95.79±0.73 a | 28.52±0.28 a | 5.33±0.09 f |
Shendao 527 | N0R2 | 169.70±4.24 d | 145.46±4.40 g | 24.67±0.26 d | 96.38±1.37 a | 28.03±0.32 a | 5.36±0.12 f |
N0R3 | 134.41±5.89 f | 169.66±1.19 e | 22.81±1.03 d | 95.60±0.33 a | 28.13±0.60 a | 4.58±0.27 g | |
N1R1 | 242.42±0.00 a | 171.03±2.11 e | 41.46±0.51 ab | 83.30±1.32 f | 25.53±0.19 bc | 8.60±0.25 abc | |
N1R2 | 255.89±11.66 a | 161.06±3.64 f | 41.19±1.04 ab | 87.20±0.40 e | 25.62±0.79 bc | 8.66±0.04 a | |
N1R3 | 215.49±6.01 b | 184.13±3.05 cd | 39.68±1.58 b | 87.61±2.03 e | 25.45±0.93 bc | 8.31±0.31 c | |
N2R1 | 215.49±11.66 b | 183.29±3.20 cd | 39.47±1.58 b | 90.02±1.07 cd | 24.38±1.80 c | 8.35±0.12 bc | |
N2R2 | 242.42±0.00 a | 173.60±3.15 e | 42.08±0.76 a | 92.02±1.62 bc | 24.70±0.66 bc | 8.64±0.16 ab | |
N2R3 | 215.49±6.01 b | 191.55±1.37 b | 41.28±1.10 ab | 88.25±1.01 de | 25.85±0.35 b | 7.60±0.08 d | |
N3R1 | 195.29±5.84 c | 186.38±3.15 c | 36.39±0.70 c | 93.42±1.73 b | 25.88±0.29 b | 7.87±0.05 d | |
N3R2 | 226.26±3.32 b | 179.88±3.35 d | 40.69±0.25 ab | 91.85±0.33 bc | 25.60±0.58 bc | 8.38±0.02 abc | |
N3R3 | 174.95±11.9 d | 207.81±2.90 a | 36.33±2.01 c | 90.95±1.07 c | 25.20±0.28 bc | 7.03±0.03 e |
表6 施氮方式与行距配置互作对水稻产量及产量构成因素的影响
Table 6. Effects of N application pattern and row spacing on rice yield and its components
品种 Cultivar | 处理 Treatment | 单位面积穗数 Panicles per unit area(×104/hm2) | 每穗颖花数 Spikelets per panicle | 单位面积颖花数 Spikelets per unit area (×107/hm2) | 结实率 Seed-setting rate (%) | 千粒重 1000-grain weight(g) | 产量 Grain yield (t/hm2) |
沈稻9号 | N0R1 | 212.43±3.07 i | 115.87±2.83 fg | 24.61±0.40 h | 91.43±1.37 a | 24.13±0.28 a | 4.90±0.29 g |
Shendao 9 | N0R2 | 234.14±3.52 h | 112.58±1.35 gh | 26.36±0.61 g | 91.08±0.91 ab | 24.05±0.18 a | 5.43±0.27 f |
N0R3 | 215.04±1.66 i | 118.42±1.14 ef | 25.47±0.28 gh | 91.74±1.66 a | 24.12±0.15 a | 5.01±0.16 g | |
N1R1 | 351.69±7.48 d | 121.81±3.14 e | 42.84±1.58 ef | 83.71±0.81 ef | 23.15±0.53 bc | 8.31±0.23 de | |
N1R2 | 415.95±3.32 a | 111.95±1.57 h | 46.56±0.56 c | 82.80±1.15 f | 23.40±0.13 abc | 8.58±0.06 cd | |
N1R3 | 330.09±2.61 f | 127.20±1.46 d | 41.98±0.27 f | 85.06±1.36 def | 23.55±0.26 abc | 8.53±0.11 cd | |
N2R1 | 345.17±3.01 e | 131.70±2.30 c | 45.46±0.81 cd | 84.97±1.95 def | 23.00±0.62 c | 8.12±0.11 e | |
N2R2 | 390.25±2.21 b | 127.16±1.68 d | 49.62±0.54 ab | 82.84±0.70 f | 23.57±0.58 abc | 9.07±0.07 b | |
N2R3 | 333.73±1.50 f | 132.37±0.73 c | 44.17±0.19 de | 87.43±1.33 cd | 23.77±0.10 ab | 8.49±0.09 cd | |
N3R1 | 340.63±2.71 e | 141.80±1.71 b | 48.30±0.87 b | 85.65±2.53 de | 23.62±0.46 abc | 8.25±0.13 de | |
N3R2 | 379.79±1.25 c | 133.96±3.39 c | 50.87±1.13 a | 88.71±1.09 bc | 23.65±0.28 abc | 9.85±0.34 a | |
N3R3 | 316.29±3.01 g | 145.67±3.03 a | 46.08±1.07 c | 89.49±0.66 abc | 23.92±0.58 a | 8.81±0.06 bc | |
沈稻 505 | N0R1 | 231.82±0.00 f | 96.02±1.52 g | 22.26±0.35 g | 85.17±1.09 ab | 25.87±0.45 a | 4.01±0.11 h |
Shendao 505 | N0R2 | 272.22±20.30 e | 97.73±1.19 fg | 26.59±1.67 f | 84.49±0.18 b | 26.00±0.48 a | 4.86±0.05 g |
N0R3 | 268.18±24.24 e | 101.50±0.98 f | 27.21±2.34 f | 86.75±0.04 a | 26.00±0.40 a | 4.21±0.36 h | |
N1R1 | 462.64±2.96 b | 108.91±0.88 e | 50.39±0.65 d | 70.77±1.11 ef | 24.15±0.15 c | 8.55±0.18 de | |
N1R2 | 525.25±14.00 a | 110.71±1.53 e | 58.16±2.18 a | 65.90±1.39 h | 23.62±0.08 d | 8.92±0.18 c | |
N1R3 | 464.38±10.30 b | 115.32±2.74 d | 53.56±2.08 bc | 73.23±0.29 d | 24.92±0.50 b | 8.83±0.19 cd | |
N2R1 | 390.37±15.63 d | 107.14±3.09 e | 41.79±0.52 e | 71.85±2.09 de | 24.92±0.10 b | 7.46±0.13 f | |
N2R2 | 470.61±0.00 b | 117.47±0.85 d | 55.28±0.40 abc | 67.91±1.66 gh | 24.83±0.25 b | 9.32±0.12 b | |
N2R3 | 424.24±20.20 c | 123.69±4.10 c | 52.45±2.26 cd | 76.59±0.63 c | 25.17±0.18 b | 8.46±0.22 e | |
N3R1 | 393.64±10.10 d | 126.05±2.24 bc | 49.63±1.97 d | 72.90±1.95 de | 25.17±0.13 b | 8.48±0.21 e | |
N3R2 | 436.36±14.24 c | 128.23±3.90 ab | 55.96±2.77 ab | 69.33±1.33 fg | 25.10±0.38 b | 9.77±0.21 a | |
N3R3 | 400.77±2.48 d | 131.41±3.71 a | 52.66±1.18 cd | 76.86±0.62 c | 25.28±0.25 b | 8.78±0.17 cde | |
沈稻527 | N0R1 | 154.88±11.66 e | 158.47±1.75 f | 24.53±1.61 d | 95.79±0.73 a | 28.52±0.28 a | 5.33±0.09 f |
Shendao 527 | N0R2 | 169.70±4.24 d | 145.46±4.40 g | 24.67±0.26 d | 96.38±1.37 a | 28.03±0.32 a | 5.36±0.12 f |
N0R3 | 134.41±5.89 f | 169.66±1.19 e | 22.81±1.03 d | 95.60±0.33 a | 28.13±0.60 a | 4.58±0.27 g | |
N1R1 | 242.42±0.00 a | 171.03±2.11 e | 41.46±0.51 ab | 83.30±1.32 f | 25.53±0.19 bc | 8.60±0.25 abc | |
N1R2 | 255.89±11.66 a | 161.06±3.64 f | 41.19±1.04 ab | 87.20±0.40 e | 25.62±0.79 bc | 8.66±0.04 a | |
N1R3 | 215.49±6.01 b | 184.13±3.05 cd | 39.68±1.58 b | 87.61±2.03 e | 25.45±0.93 bc | 8.31±0.31 c | |
N2R1 | 215.49±11.66 b | 183.29±3.20 cd | 39.47±1.58 b | 90.02±1.07 cd | 24.38±1.80 c | 8.35±0.12 bc | |
N2R2 | 242.42±0.00 a | 173.60±3.15 e | 42.08±0.76 a | 92.02±1.62 bc | 24.70±0.66 bc | 8.64±0.16 ab | |
N2R3 | 215.49±6.01 b | 191.55±1.37 b | 41.28±1.10 ab | 88.25±1.01 de | 25.85±0.35 b | 7.60±0.08 d | |
N3R1 | 195.29±5.84 c | 186.38±3.15 c | 36.39±0.70 c | 93.42±1.73 b | 25.88±0.29 b | 7.87±0.05 d | |
N3R2 | 226.26±3.32 b | 179.88±3.35 d | 40.69±0.25 ab | 91.85±0.33 bc | 25.60±0.58 bc | 8.38±0.02 abc | |
N3R3 | 174.95±11.9 d | 207.81±2.90 a | 36.33±2.01 c | 90.95±1.07 c | 25.20±0.28 bc | 7.03±0.03 e |
图1 施氮方式对水稻干物质积累量与氮素积累量的影响 图中数据为平均值±标准差(n=3);柱上不同字母表示处理间在0.05水平上差异显著(Duncan新复极差法)。下同。
Fig. 1. Effects of N application pattern on rice dry matter accumulation and N accumulation Values are mean ± SD(n=3); Different letters above the bars indicate significant difference among treatments at the 0.05 level (Duncan's new multiple range test). The same below.
品种 Cultivar | 处理 Treatment | 氮肥偏生产力 PFPN (kg/kg) | 氮肥农学利用率 AEN (kg/kg) | 氮肥回收利用率 REN(%) | 土壤氮依存率 CRSN(%) |
沈稻9号 | N1 | 36.05±0.77 c | 14.29±0.92 c | 22.32±1.99 c | 58.44±2.82 a |
Shendao 9 | N2 | 42.80±2.10 b | 17.24±1.16 b | 31.97±6.04 b | 53.87±4.99 b |
N3 | 44.83±3.62 a | 19.27±2.41 a | 39.56±9.08 a | 48.74±5.65 c | |
沈稻505 | N1 | 37.30±0.98 c | 18.75±1.29 c | 22.44±1.84 c | 58.17±1.93 a |
Shendao 505 | N2 | 42.07±4.08 b | 20.26±2.32 b | 28.21±8.10 b | 57.18±5.36 a |
N3 | 45.05±3.04 a | 23.25±1.19 a | 39.15±3.97 a | 48.43±2.74 b | |
沈稻527 | N1 | 36.27±1.09 c | 14.61±1.07 b | 23.23±2.70 c | 52.36±1.99 a |
Shendao 527 | N2 | 41.00±2.39 a | 15.54±0.86 a | 33.75±2.99 b | 47.00±2.02 b |
N3 | 38.81±2.95 b | 13.35±1.50 c | 43.05±5.55 a | 41.12±2.90 c |
表7 施氮方式对水稻氮素利用率的影响
Table 7. Effects of N application pattern on rice N use efficiency
品种 Cultivar | 处理 Treatment | 氮肥偏生产力 PFPN (kg/kg) | 氮肥农学利用率 AEN (kg/kg) | 氮肥回收利用率 REN(%) | 土壤氮依存率 CRSN(%) |
沈稻9号 | N1 | 36.05±0.77 c | 14.29±0.92 c | 22.32±1.99 c | 58.44±2.82 a |
Shendao 9 | N2 | 42.80±2.10 b | 17.24±1.16 b | 31.97±6.04 b | 53.87±4.99 b |
N3 | 44.83±3.62 a | 19.27±2.41 a | 39.56±9.08 a | 48.74±5.65 c | |
沈稻505 | N1 | 37.30±0.98 c | 18.75±1.29 c | 22.44±1.84 c | 58.17±1.93 a |
Shendao 505 | N2 | 42.07±4.08 b | 20.26±2.32 b | 28.21±8.10 b | 57.18±5.36 a |
N3 | 45.05±3.04 a | 23.25±1.19 a | 39.15±3.97 a | 48.43±2.74 b | |
沈稻527 | N1 | 36.27±1.09 c | 14.61±1.07 b | 23.23±2.70 c | 52.36±1.99 a |
Shendao 527 | N2 | 41.00±2.39 a | 15.54±0.86 a | 33.75±2.99 b | 47.00±2.02 b |
N3 | 38.81±2.95 b | 13.35±1.50 c | 43.05±5.55 a | 41.12±2.90 c |
品种 Cultivar | 处理 Treatment | 氮肥偏生产力 PFPN (kg/kg) | 氮肥农学利用率 AEN (kg/kg) | 氮肥回收利用率 REN(%) | 土壤氮依存率 CRSN(%) |
沈稻9号 | R1 | 39.07±2.88 c | 15.76±1.24 c | 30.63±6.48 b | 53.61±3.75 b |
Shendao 9 | R2 | 43.68±5.71 a | 17.89±3.84 a | 37.51±12.06 a | 49.15±6.39 c |
R3 | 40.94±3.55 b | 17.14±1.77 b | 25.71±4.95 c | 58.29±3.97 a | |
沈稻505 | R1 | 38.69±2.89 c | 19.66±2.24 b | 28.46±8.98 b | 54.44±6.52 ab |
Shendao 505 | R2 | 44.46±5.03 a | 21.34±3.26 a | 33.44±9.21 a | 52.73±4.87 b |
R3 | 41.27±2.97 b | 21.26±1.61 a | 27.89±7.77 b | 56.61±5.46 a | |
沈稻527 | R1 | 39.24±2.32 b | 13.90±1.14 b | 32.20±7.42 a | 47.06±4.03a |
Shendao 527 | R2 | 40.65±2.95 a | 15.18±1.09 a | 35.22±9.85 a | 47.42±4.97a |
R3 | 36.19±1.54 c | 14.42±1.85 b | 32.60±10.49 a | 46.01±6.74a |
表8 行距配置对水稻氮素利用率的影响
Table 8. Effects of row spacing on rice N use efficiency
品种 Cultivar | 处理 Treatment | 氮肥偏生产力 PFPN (kg/kg) | 氮肥农学利用率 AEN (kg/kg) | 氮肥回收利用率 REN(%) | 土壤氮依存率 CRSN(%) |
沈稻9号 | R1 | 39.07±2.88 c | 15.76±1.24 c | 30.63±6.48 b | 53.61±3.75 b |
Shendao 9 | R2 | 43.68±5.71 a | 17.89±3.84 a | 37.51±12.06 a | 49.15±6.39 c |
R3 | 40.94±3.55 b | 17.14±1.77 b | 25.71±4.95 c | 58.29±3.97 a | |
沈稻505 | R1 | 38.69±2.89 c | 19.66±2.24 b | 28.46±8.98 b | 54.44±6.52 ab |
Shendao 505 | R2 | 44.46±5.03 a | 21.34±3.26 a | 33.44±9.21 a | 52.73±4.87 b |
R3 | 41.27±2.97 b | 21.26±1.61 a | 27.89±7.77 b | 56.61±5.46 a | |
沈稻527 | R1 | 39.24±2.32 b | 13.90±1.14 b | 32.20±7.42 a | 47.06±4.03a |
Shendao 527 | R2 | 40.65±2.95 a | 15.18±1.09 a | 35.22±9.85 a | 47.42±4.97a |
R3 | 36.19±1.54 c | 14.42±1.85 b | 32.60±10.49 a | 46.01±6.74a |
品种 Cultivar | 处理 Treatment | 氮肥偏生产力 PFPN (kg/kg) | 氮肥农学利用率 AEN (kg/kg) | 氮肥回收利用率 REN(%) | 土壤氮依存率 CRSN(%) |
沈稻9 | N1R1 | 35.34±0.97 f | 14.47±0.73 gh | 22.64±1.41 e | 57.92±1.18 abc |
Shendao 9 | N1R2 | 36.50±0.27 f | 13.40±0.87 h | 23.89±1.26 e | 56.50±0.47 bcd |
N1R3 | 36.31±0.46 f | 15.00±0.23 fg | 20.43±1.76 e | 60.90±3.88 a | |
N2R1 | 40.61±0.55 e | 16.09±0.94 ef | 32.26±2.11 cd | 53.17±0.48 de | |
N2R2 | 45.33±0.36 b | 18.19±0.99 bc | 38.34±3.21 b | 48.78±1.45 f | |
N2R3 | 42.47±0.46 d | 17.44±0.36 cd | 25.29±1.81 e | 59.65±2.73 ab | |
N3R1 | 41.25±0.64 de | 16.73±0.84 de | 36.99±1.09 bc | 49.73±1.95 ef | |
N3R2 | 49.23±1.68 a | 22.08±0.73 a | 50.29±6.73 a | 42.17±2.62 g | |
N3R3 | 44.03±0.30 c | 18.99±0.52 b | 31.40±0.91 d | 54.33±1.99 cd | |
沈稻505 | N1R1 | 36.38±0.75 e | 19.34±0.29 d | 21.55±1.38 b | 57.68±3.05 a |
Shendao 505 | N1R2 | 37.95±0.76 e | 17.25±0.53 e | 24.10±2.19 b | 57.40±1.08 a |
N1R3 | 37.58±0.82 e | 19.66±1.09 d | 21.67±0.80 b | 59.44±0.86 a | |
N2R1 | 37.31±0.63 e | 17.28±0.12 e | 23.74±3.08 b | 59.36±1.34 a | |
N2R2 | 46.59±0.61 b | 22.27±0.34 bc | 36.96±8.95 a | 51.26±5.48 b | |
N2R3 | 42.30±1.08 d | 21.24±0.76 c | 23.92±0.81 b | 60.92±1.58 a | |
N3R1 | 42.39±1.07 d | 22.36±0.56 bc | 40.10±1.76 a | 46.27±2.64 c | |
N3R2 | 48.84±1.07 a | 24.51±0.81 a | 39.25±7.35 a | 49.52±3.51 bc | |
N3R3 | 43.92±0.86 c | 22.87±0.93 b | 38.08±1.70 a | 49.49±0.49 bc | |
沈稻527 | N1R1 | 36.61±1.08 e | 13.91±0.85 c | 24.82±1.32 d | 50.30±0.86 bc |
Shendao 527 | N1R2 | 36.84±0.15 e | 14.03±0.40 c | 24.66±1.67 d | 52.80±0.72 ab |
N1R3 | 35.38±1.30 f | 15.89±0.23 ab | 20.21±2.06 d | 53.99±1.98 a | |
N2R1 | 41.77±0.62 b | 15.10±0.18 bc | 31.71±4.20 c | 48.32±2.80 cd | |
N2R2 | 43.22±0.82 a | 16.42±0.23 a | 35.99±0.97 bc | 47.35±0.69 cd | |
N2R3 | 38.02±0.42 d | 15.12±1.08 bc | 33.54±1.81 bc | 45.34±1.01 de | |
N3R1 | 39.35±0.25 c | 12.68±0.20 d | 40.07±5.11 ab | 42.55±2.76 e | |
N3R2 | 41.90±0.10 b | 15.10±0.52 bc | 45.02±8.49 a | 42.12±3.49 e | |
N3R3 | 35.17±0.14 f | 12.27±1.27 d | 44.05±2.05 a | 38.70±0.62 f |
表9 施氮方式与行距配置对水稻氮素利用率的影响
Table 9. Effects of N application pattern and row spacing on rice N use efficiency
品种 Cultivar | 处理 Treatment | 氮肥偏生产力 PFPN (kg/kg) | 氮肥农学利用率 AEN (kg/kg) | 氮肥回收利用率 REN(%) | 土壤氮依存率 CRSN(%) |
沈稻9 | N1R1 | 35.34±0.97 f | 14.47±0.73 gh | 22.64±1.41 e | 57.92±1.18 abc |
Shendao 9 | N1R2 | 36.50±0.27 f | 13.40±0.87 h | 23.89±1.26 e | 56.50±0.47 bcd |
N1R3 | 36.31±0.46 f | 15.00±0.23 fg | 20.43±1.76 e | 60.90±3.88 a | |
N2R1 | 40.61±0.55 e | 16.09±0.94 ef | 32.26±2.11 cd | 53.17±0.48 de | |
N2R2 | 45.33±0.36 b | 18.19±0.99 bc | 38.34±3.21 b | 48.78±1.45 f | |
N2R3 | 42.47±0.46 d | 17.44±0.36 cd | 25.29±1.81 e | 59.65±2.73 ab | |
N3R1 | 41.25±0.64 de | 16.73±0.84 de | 36.99±1.09 bc | 49.73±1.95 ef | |
N3R2 | 49.23±1.68 a | 22.08±0.73 a | 50.29±6.73 a | 42.17±2.62 g | |
N3R3 | 44.03±0.30 c | 18.99±0.52 b | 31.40±0.91 d | 54.33±1.99 cd | |
沈稻505 | N1R1 | 36.38±0.75 e | 19.34±0.29 d | 21.55±1.38 b | 57.68±3.05 a |
Shendao 505 | N1R2 | 37.95±0.76 e | 17.25±0.53 e | 24.10±2.19 b | 57.40±1.08 a |
N1R3 | 37.58±0.82 e | 19.66±1.09 d | 21.67±0.80 b | 59.44±0.86 a | |
N2R1 | 37.31±0.63 e | 17.28±0.12 e | 23.74±3.08 b | 59.36±1.34 a | |
N2R2 | 46.59±0.61 b | 22.27±0.34 bc | 36.96±8.95 a | 51.26±5.48 b | |
N2R3 | 42.30±1.08 d | 21.24±0.76 c | 23.92±0.81 b | 60.92±1.58 a | |
N3R1 | 42.39±1.07 d | 22.36±0.56 bc | 40.10±1.76 a | 46.27±2.64 c | |
N3R2 | 48.84±1.07 a | 24.51±0.81 a | 39.25±7.35 a | 49.52±3.51 bc | |
N3R3 | 43.92±0.86 c | 22.87±0.93 b | 38.08±1.70 a | 49.49±0.49 bc | |
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Shendao 527 | N1R2 | 36.84±0.15 e | 14.03±0.40 c | 24.66±1.67 d | 52.80±0.72 ab |
N1R3 | 35.38±1.30 f | 15.89±0.23 ab | 20.21±2.06 d | 53.99±1.98 a | |
N2R1 | 41.77±0.62 b | 15.10±0.18 bc | 31.71±4.20 c | 48.32±2.80 cd | |
N2R2 | 43.22±0.82 a | 16.42±0.23 a | 35.99±0.97 bc | 47.35±0.69 cd | |
N2R3 | 38.02±0.42 d | 15.12±1.08 bc | 33.54±1.81 bc | 45.34±1.01 de | |
N3R1 | 39.35±0.25 c | 12.68±0.20 d | 40.07±5.11 ab | 42.55±2.76 e | |
N3R2 | 41.90±0.10 b | 15.10±0.52 bc | 45.02±8.49 a | 42.12±3.49 e | |
N3R3 | 35.17±0.14 f | 12.27±1.27 d | 44.05±2.05 a | 38.70±0.62 f |
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