中国水稻科学 ›› 2024, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (4): 409-421.DOI: 10.16819/j.1001-7216.2024.240307
候小琴1,2,#, 王莹3,#, 余贝1,4,#, 符卫蒙1, 奉保华1, 沈煜潮2, 谢杭军1, 王焕然1,4, 许用强1, 武志海4, 王建军2, 陶龙兴1, 符冠富1,4,*()
HOU Xiaoqin1,2,#, WANG Ying3,#, YU Bei1,4,#, FU Weimeng1, FENG Baohua1, SHEN Yichao2, XIE Hangjun1, WANG Huanran1,4, XU Yongqiang1, WU Zhihai4, WANG Jianjun2, TAO Longxing1, FU Guanfu1,4,*()
About author:
#These authors contributed equally to this work
摘要: 【目的】盐胁迫是限制水稻等作物产量品质形成的重要环境因子之一,研发能提高水稻耐盐性风险栽培技术有助于保障我国粮食安全。【方法】以日本晴为材料,于水稻秧苗期进行盐胁迫处理,外源喷施适合浓度的黄腐酸钾(Potassium fulvic acid, PFA),并取样测定干物质量、光合作用、碳水化合物含量、能量物质、钠钾离子浓度及抗氧酶活性等生理指标。【结果】常规种植条件下,黄腐酸钾对水稻秧苗生长发育影响较小,其株高和干物质量与清水(H2O)处理之间的差异未达显著水平,但盐胁迫处理后黄腐酸钾明显提高了水稻秧苗的干物质量和株高。盐胁迫下,黄腐酸钾显著增强水稻秧苗叶片POD和APX活性,降低其相对电导率、过氧化氢及丙二醛含量;另外,黄腐酸钾处理能减轻盐胁迫对叶绿素含量、实际光量子效率、相对电子传递速率和净光合速率的抑制。黄腐酸钾对碳水化合物含量的影响较小,但能减轻盐胁迫对能量代谢的抑制,表现为盐胁迫后水稻叶片非结构性碳水化合物处理间的差异不明显,但黄腐酸钾处理的叶片ATP含量、能荷值以及ATPase活性均显著高于清水处理。相应地,盐胁迫下黄腐酸钾处理的水稻秧苗叶片、茎及根的钠离子浓度显著下降,钾离子浓度则显著上升。【结论】黄腐酸钾可一定程度上提高水稻叶片光合作用,促进ATP的产生及利用,增强抗氧化能力,维持较高的钾离子浓度以及较低的活性氧、钠离子浓度,进而减轻盐胁迫对水稻秧苗的伤害。研究结果可为水稻秧苗耐盐性栽培技术及化学调控物质的研发提供技术及理论支撑。
候小琴, 王莹, 余贝, 符卫蒙, 奉保华, 沈煜潮, 谢杭军, 王焕然, 许用强, 武志海, 王建军, 陶龙兴, 符冠富. 黄腐酸钾提高水稻秧苗耐盐性的作用途径分析[J]. 中国水稻科学, 2024, 38(4): 409-421.
HOU Xiaoqin, WANG Ying, YU Bei, FU Weimeng, FENG Baohua, SHEN Yichao, XIE Hangjun, WANG Huanran, XU Yongqiang, WU Zhihai, WANG Jianjun, TAO Longxing, FU Guanfu. Mechanisms Behind the Role of Potassium Fulvic Acid in Enhancing Salt Tolerance in Rice Seedlings[J]. Chinese Journal OF Rice Science, 2024, 38(4): 409-421.
图1 盐胁迫下黄腐酸钾对水稻植株形态的影响 H2O: 清水处理;PFA: 黄腐酸钾处理。相同小写字母者表示在0.05水平上差异不显著。下同。
Fig. 1. Effect of PFV on plant morphology of rice seedlings under salt stress H2O,Distilled water;PFA,Potassium fulvic acid. The same lowercase letters above the bars represent no significant difference at 0.05 leve1. The same below.
图9 黄腐酸钾影响水稻秧苗耐盐性作用途径模式图 H2O: 蒸馏水处理;PFV: 黄腐酸钾处理;PN: 净光合速率;TAC: 总抗氧化能力; ROS: 活性氧。盐胁迫下,水稻秧苗叶片光合作用受阻,能量代谢紊乱,抗氧化能力下降,致使ROS及Na+浓度大幅度增加,进而干扰水稻秧苗生长发育过程,严重者甚至死亡。外源喷施黄腐酸钾能减缓盐胁迫对光合作用的抑制,改善能量代谢及利用,增强抗氧化能力,维持ROS及Na+/K+的平衡,提高水稻秧苗对盐胁迫耐受性。
Fig. 9. Descriptive model of potassium fulvic acid (PFA) conferring salt tolerance in rice seedlings H2O, Distilled water; PFV, Potassium fulvic acid; PN,Net photosynthetic rate; TAC, Total antioxidant capacity; ROS, Reactive oxygen. Salt stress significantly decreases photosynthesis, disturb energy metabolism, and thus impair the antioxidant capacity, leading to the excess accumulation of ROS and Na+ in rice, which could hamper the plant growth and development, and even result in death. Under such conditions, potassium fulvic acid could improve photosynthesis and energy status, enhance the antioxidant capacity to maintain ROS and Na+/K+ homeostasis, and thus increase the salt tolerance of rice seedlings.
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