中国水稻科学 ›› 2022, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (2): 171-180.DOI: 10.16819/j.1001-7216.2022.210208
LIANG Cheng, XIANG Xunchao*(), ZHANG Ouling, YOU Hui, XU Liang, CHEN Yongjun
XIANG Xunchao
【目的】 理想株型水稻能提高光合作用效率、经济产量和抗病能力。通过探究两份新株型水稻种质的农艺性状变异和遗传特性,为水稻高产抗病育种提供优异理想株型种质资源。【方法】 以两个重组自交系中发现的两份自然重组的新株型种质08yi和RIL60以及由同一自交系选育出来的常规种质08yc和RILc为材料,进行不同生长时期的株型构成因子和产量性状的比较分析,同时对4份种质进行理想株型基因IPA1测序和糯性鉴定。【结果】 两份新种质与常规种质相比,在不同发育时期的功能叶性状、干物质积累量、穗部性状和产量构成因素上均存在显著变异,二者发生的有利变异包括功能叶叶角减小、功能叶叶长更合理、株型紧凑、单株有效穗数增加1~2穗,结实率分别提高了7.37%和5.09%;此外,新种质08yi叶绿素含量显著提高,RIL60的茎秆变粗,二者在逆境下的穗部性状表现更好,产量降幅更小,抗逆力增强。不利变异包括单穗重降低、穗长变短、每穗着粒数和每穗实粒数减少、枝梗长度和数量下降。IPA1基因测序结果显示与少蘖粳ipa1相比,两新种质并未突变,株型变异源自于其他因子。糯性鉴定结果表明RIL60存在糯性变异。【结论】 两个新种质的一些农艺性状发生了明确的有利变异,具有较理想的株型结构,可作为优异种质用于理想株型育种和株型研究。RIL60作为理想株型糯稻,由于具有非糯水稻的经济产量,具有巨大的应用价值。
梁程, 向珣朝, 张欧玲, 游慧, 许亮, 陈永军. 两份新株型水稻品系的农艺性状与遗传特性分析[J]. 中国水稻科学, 2022, 36(2): 171-180.
LIANG Cheng, XIANG Xunchao, ZHANG Ouling, YOU Hui, XU Liang, CHEN Yongjun. Analyses on Agronomic Traits and Genetic Characteristics of Two New Plant-architecture Lines in Rice[J]. Chinese Journal OF Rice Science, 2022, 36(2): 171-180.
引物名称 Name of primer | 引物序列 Sequence of primer(5′-3′) | 产物大小 Product size/bp | 退火温度 Annealing temperature/℃ |
IPA1测序引物 IPA1 sequencing primer | F: GATCTCCGGTGGTATCCAGT R: GAAGTGGGCATGATGGCTA | 457 | 55.9 |
表1 引物信息
Table 1 Primer information.
引物名称 Name of primer | 引物序列 Sequence of primer(5′-3′) | 产物大小 Product size/bp | 退火温度 Annealing temperature/℃ |
IPA1测序引物 IPA1 sequencing primer | F: GATCTCCGGTGGTATCCAGT R: GAAGTGGGCATGATGGCTA | 457 | 55.9 |
生育期与材料 Growth stage and material | 叶长Leaf length/cm | 叶宽Leaf width/cm | 叶角度 Leaf angle/° | ||||||
剑叶 Flag Leaf | 倒2叶 2nd leaf from top | 倒3叶 3rd leaf from top | 剑叶 Flag Leaf | 倒2叶 2nd leaf from top | 倒3叶 3rd leaf from top | 剑叶 Flag Leaf | 倒2叶 2nd leaf from top | 倒3叶 3rd leaf from top | |
乳熟期Milky maturity stage Milk-ripe stage | |||||||||
08yi | 26.80±2.89b | 43.17±1.45b | 40.20±0.73b | 2.58±0.03b | 1.85±0.03b | 1.64±0.02b | 10.80±1.18b | 9.77±0.37b | 22.50±0.71b |
08yc | 37.53±1.33a | 49.83±1.33a | 51.20±1.85a | 2.55±0.07b | 2.01±0.05b | 1.72±0.05b | 10.40±0.41b | 15.23±0.12a | 20.83±2.72b |
RIL60 | 28.57±0.54b | 46.37±0.88ab | 46.77±2.56a | 2.87±0.04a | 2.38±0.07a | 2.03±0.02a | 19.23±1.02a | 16.27±0.90a | 21.10±0.82b |
RILc | 31.67±2.15b | 46.43±2.72ab | 48.83±2.08a | 3.04±0.10a | 2.71±0.26a | 2.02±0.11a | 10.07±0.12b | 13.60±2.16a | 27.77±2.58a |
蜡熟期Dough maturity stage | |||||||||
08yi | 17.30±1.78b | 35.37±3.21b | 40.27±1.50c | 2.29±0.03b | 1.93±0.10a | 1.63±0.13b | 10.30±1.30c | 12.70±2.44b | 27.03±3.98a |
08yc | 30.97±3.81a | 47.83±1.57a | 50.03±0.82a | 2.21±0.22b | 1.81±0.07a | 1.47±0.10b | 10.03±0.87c | 10.87±0.66b | 17.07±1.32b |
RIL60 | 27.90±1.35a | 45.13±1.54a | 47.03±1.68b | 2.72±0.02a | 2.24±0.04b | 2.00±0.01a | 17.07±1.60b | 19.03±1.64a | 22.30±3.19ab |
RILc | 31.93±1.13a | 47.17±1.27a | 49.20±0.37ab | 2.80±0.01a | 2.32±0.02b | 2.06±0.04a | 30.77±2.87a | 22.93±3.07a | 22.47±0.77ab |
完熟期Full maturity stage | |||||||||
08yi | 12.33±1.03c | 28.50±1.51b | 39.83±0.29c | 2.33±0.12b | 2.01±0.09b | 1.49±0.06b | 10.07±0.12c | 15.60±1.37b | 28.10±3.04a |
08yc | 36.30±4.30a | 46.17±3.73a | 49.53±1.81a | 2.37±0.15b | 1.86±0.20b | 1.57±0.12b | 11.20±1.42c | 12.30±0.62b | 19.07±1.25b |
RIL60 | 27.17±1.66b | 44.37±1.11a | 45.33±2.10b | 2.74±0.07a | 2.21±0.05ab | 1.99±0.02a | 17.13±1.77b | 21.74±1.72a | 23.83±2.78ab |
RILc | 30.50±1.76ab | 47.37±1.05a | 49.47±0.54a | 2.80±0.05a | 2.32±0.03a | 2.07±0.03a | 29.27±2.74a | 22.97±1.84a | 23.37±0.96ab |
表2 不同种质的功能叶叶长、叶宽和叶角比较
Table 2 Length, width and angle of functional leaves for different germplasms.
生育期与材料 Growth stage and material | 叶长Leaf length/cm | 叶宽Leaf width/cm | 叶角度 Leaf angle/° | ||||||
剑叶 Flag Leaf | 倒2叶 2nd leaf from top | 倒3叶 3rd leaf from top | 剑叶 Flag Leaf | 倒2叶 2nd leaf from top | 倒3叶 3rd leaf from top | 剑叶 Flag Leaf | 倒2叶 2nd leaf from top | 倒3叶 3rd leaf from top | |
乳熟期Milky maturity stage Milk-ripe stage | |||||||||
08yi | 26.80±2.89b | 43.17±1.45b | 40.20±0.73b | 2.58±0.03b | 1.85±0.03b | 1.64±0.02b | 10.80±1.18b | 9.77±0.37b | 22.50±0.71b |
08yc | 37.53±1.33a | 49.83±1.33a | 51.20±1.85a | 2.55±0.07b | 2.01±0.05b | 1.72±0.05b | 10.40±0.41b | 15.23±0.12a | 20.83±2.72b |
RIL60 | 28.57±0.54b | 46.37±0.88ab | 46.77±2.56a | 2.87±0.04a | 2.38±0.07a | 2.03±0.02a | 19.23±1.02a | 16.27±0.90a | 21.10±0.82b |
RILc | 31.67±2.15b | 46.43±2.72ab | 48.83±2.08a | 3.04±0.10a | 2.71±0.26a | 2.02±0.11a | 10.07±0.12b | 13.60±2.16a | 27.77±2.58a |
蜡熟期Dough maturity stage | |||||||||
08yi | 17.30±1.78b | 35.37±3.21b | 40.27±1.50c | 2.29±0.03b | 1.93±0.10a | 1.63±0.13b | 10.30±1.30c | 12.70±2.44b | 27.03±3.98a |
08yc | 30.97±3.81a | 47.83±1.57a | 50.03±0.82a | 2.21±0.22b | 1.81±0.07a | 1.47±0.10b | 10.03±0.87c | 10.87±0.66b | 17.07±1.32b |
RIL60 | 27.90±1.35a | 45.13±1.54a | 47.03±1.68b | 2.72±0.02a | 2.24±0.04b | 2.00±0.01a | 17.07±1.60b | 19.03±1.64a | 22.30±3.19ab |
RILc | 31.93±1.13a | 47.17±1.27a | 49.20±0.37ab | 2.80±0.01a | 2.32±0.02b | 2.06±0.04a | 30.77±2.87a | 22.93±3.07a | 22.47±0.77ab |
完熟期Full maturity stage | |||||||||
08yi | 12.33±1.03c | 28.50±1.51b | 39.83±0.29c | 2.33±0.12b | 2.01±0.09b | 1.49±0.06b | 10.07±0.12c | 15.60±1.37b | 28.10±3.04a |
08yc | 36.30±4.30a | 46.17±3.73a | 49.53±1.81a | 2.37±0.15b | 1.86±0.20b | 1.57±0.12b | 11.20±1.42c | 12.30±0.62b | 19.07±1.25b |
RIL60 | 27.17±1.66b | 44.37±1.11a | 45.33±2.10b | 2.74±0.07a | 2.21±0.05ab | 1.99±0.02a | 17.13±1.77b | 21.74±1.72a | 23.83±2.78ab |
RILc | 30.50±1.76ab | 47.37±1.05a | 49.47±0.54a | 2.80±0.05a | 2.32±0.03a | 2.07±0.03a | 29.27±2.74a | 22.97±1.84a | 23.37±0.96ab |
图1 不同种质在不同生育时期功能叶叶面积差异比较 A-乳熟期;B-蜡熟期;C-完熟期。均值±标准差,不同小写字母表示不同种质差异显著(P<0.05, n=4)(F检验)。
Fig. 1. Comparison of functional leaves area for different germplasms at different developmental stages. A, Milky maturity stage; B, Drought maturity stage; C, Full maturity stage. Mean±SD. Bars superscripted by different lowercase letters are significantly different at 0.05 level among germplasms by F-test (n=4).
图2 不同种质在不同生育时期叶绿素含量差异比较 A-乳熟期;B-蜡熟期。均值±标准差,不同小写字母表示不同种质差异显著(P<0.05, n=4)(F检验)。
Fig. 2. Comparison of chlorophyll contents for different germplasms at different developmental stages. A, Milky maturity stage; B, Drought maturity stage. Mean±SD. Bars superscripted by different lowercase letters are significantly different at 0.05 level among germplasms by F-test (n=4).
图3 不同种质在不同生育时期的干物质含量差异比较 A-乳熟期;B-蜡熟期;C-完熟期。均值±标准差,不同小写字母表示不同种质差异显著(P<0.05, n=4)(F检验)。
Fig. 3. Comparison of dry matter content of different germplasms at different developmental stages. A, Milky maturity stage; B, Drought maturity stage; C, Full maturity stage. Mean±SD. Bars superscripted by different lowercase letters are significantly different at 0.05 level among germplasms by F-test (n=4).
年份 Year | 种质Germplasm | 穗重 Single panicle weight / g | 穗长 Panicle length / cm | 一次枝梗数 Primary rachis branch number | 一次枝梗总长 Total length of primary rachis branch number / cm | 二次枝梗总数 Secondary rachis branch number |
2019 | 08yi | 4.46±0.45 d | 16.01±0.52 d | 16.32±0.18 b | 129.27±9.64 d | 66.23±3.78 d |
08yc | 6.14±0.68 c | 20.09±0.76 c | 16.07±0.95 bc | 168.39±2.53 b | 83.73±8.02 b | |
RIL60 | 7.34±0.26 b | 25.76±0.36 ab | 16.96±0.40 b | 203.35±2.10 a | 81.44±1.36 b | |
RILc | 9.44±1.19 a | 26.10±0.93 a | 17.73±0.53 ab | 200.00±14.17 a | 104.12±5.33 a | |
2020 | 08yi | 3.66±0.19 d | 16.05±0.97 d | 17.96±0.41 a | 123.46±6.50 d | 67.57±2.38 d |
08yc | 5.43±0.52 cd | 20.25±0.74 c | 16.99±0.71 b | 158.22±10.83 bc | 77.86±3.40 bc | |
RIL60 | 5.66±0.64 c | 24.79±0.42 b | 17.80±0.55 ab | 191.05±14.57 a | 66.37±8.15 d | |
RILc | 5.74±0.93 bc | 25.05±0.57 b | 15.22±0.20 c | 149.58±5.79 c | 71.93±2.66 c |
表3 不同种质的穗部性状比较
Table 3 Comparison of panicle characters for different germplasms.
年份 Year | 种质Germplasm | 穗重 Single panicle weight / g | 穗长 Panicle length / cm | 一次枝梗数 Primary rachis branch number | 一次枝梗总长 Total length of primary rachis branch number / cm | 二次枝梗总数 Secondary rachis branch number |
2019 | 08yi | 4.46±0.45 d | 16.01±0.52 d | 16.32±0.18 b | 129.27±9.64 d | 66.23±3.78 d |
08yc | 6.14±0.68 c | 20.09±0.76 c | 16.07±0.95 bc | 168.39±2.53 b | 83.73±8.02 b | |
RIL60 | 7.34±0.26 b | 25.76±0.36 ab | 16.96±0.40 b | 203.35±2.10 a | 81.44±1.36 b | |
RILc | 9.44±1.19 a | 26.10±0.93 a | 17.73±0.53 ab | 200.00±14.17 a | 104.12±5.33 a | |
2020 | 08yi | 3.66±0.19 d | 16.05±0.97 d | 17.96±0.41 a | 123.46±6.50 d | 67.57±2.38 d |
08yc | 5.43±0.52 cd | 20.25±0.74 c | 16.99±0.71 b | 158.22±10.83 bc | 77.86±3.40 bc | |
RIL60 | 5.66±0.64 c | 24.79±0.42 b | 17.80±0.55 ab | 191.05±14.57 a | 66.37±8.15 d | |
RILc | 5.74±0.93 bc | 25.05±0.57 b | 15.22±0.20 c | 149.58±5.79 c | 71.93±2.66 c |
年份 Year | 种质 Germplasm | 单株有效穗数 Effective panicle number per plant | 结实率 Seed setting rate / % | 千粒重 1000-grain weight /g | 着粒数 Number of grain per panicle | 实粒数 Filled grains per panicle |
2019 | 08yi | 6.33±0.58 ab | 79.42±6.95 ab | 20.88±0.58 c | 233.36±18.64 c | 185.08±17.76 cd |
08yc | 5.00±0.00 bc | 73.97±7.48 b | 22.38±0.76 b | 309.53±44.62 b | 226.87±21.66 c | |
RIL60 | 5.67±0.58 b | 83.54±4.69 a | 25.04±0.84 a | 325.21±5.71 b | 271.84±16.10 b | |
RILc | 4.33±0.58 c | 79.49±3.69 ab | 24.61±0.25 a | 441.72±31.77 a | 351.78±36.12 a | |
2020 | 08yi | 7.00±0.00 a | 64.34±1.33 c | 20.00±0.31 c | 273.38±10.63 bc | 175.86±6.94 d |
08yc | 5.67±0.58 b | 68.71±4.48 bc | 22.27±0.40 b | 306.58±31.12 b | 211.30±31.98 cd | |
RIL60 | 5.67±0.58 b | 76.08±1.29 ab | 24.99±0.29 a | 273.20±37.18 bc | 207.52±24.52 cd | |
RILc | 4.67±0.58 c | 63.39±3.30 c | 24.51±0.47 a | 293.42±14.70 b | 185.72±4.79 cd |
表4 不同种质单株产量性状比较
Table 4 Comparison of yield characters per plant of different germplasms.
年份 Year | 种质 Germplasm | 单株有效穗数 Effective panicle number per plant | 结实率 Seed setting rate / % | 千粒重 1000-grain weight /g | 着粒数 Number of grain per panicle | 实粒数 Filled grains per panicle |
2019 | 08yi | 6.33±0.58 ab | 79.42±6.95 ab | 20.88±0.58 c | 233.36±18.64 c | 185.08±17.76 cd |
08yc | 5.00±0.00 bc | 73.97±7.48 b | 22.38±0.76 b | 309.53±44.62 b | 226.87±21.66 c | |
RIL60 | 5.67±0.58 b | 83.54±4.69 a | 25.04±0.84 a | 325.21±5.71 b | 271.84±16.10 b | |
RILc | 4.33±0.58 c | 79.49±3.69 ab | 24.61±0.25 a | 441.72±31.77 a | 351.78±36.12 a | |
2020 | 08yi | 7.00±0.00 a | 64.34±1.33 c | 20.00±0.31 c | 273.38±10.63 bc | 175.86±6.94 d |
08yc | 5.67±0.58 b | 68.71±4.48 bc | 22.27±0.40 b | 306.58±31.12 b | 211.30±31.98 cd | |
RIL60 | 5.67±0.58 b | 76.08±1.29 ab | 24.99±0.29 a | 273.20±37.18 bc | 207.52±24.52 cd | |
RILc | 4.67±0.58 c | 63.39±3.30 c | 24.51±0.47 a | 293.42±14.70 b | 185.72±4.79 cd |
图4 不同种质单株产量及其构成因素差异比较 均值±标准差。不同小写字母表示不同种质间以及同一种质不同年份间差异显著(P<0.05, n=8, F-检验)。
Fig. 4. Comparison of yield per plant and its components for different germplasms. Mean±SD. Different lowercase letters indicate significant difference at P<0.05 by F-test (n=8).
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