中国水稻科学 ›› 2021, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (5): 495-502.DOI: 10.16819/j.1001-7216.2021.210202
王亚梁, 朱德峰*(), 陈惠哲, 张玉屏, 向镜, 王志刚, 张义凯
Yaliang WANG, Defeng ZHU*(), Huizhe CHEN, Yuping ZHANG, Jing XIANG, Zhigang WANG, Yikai ZHANG
Defeng ZHU
【目的】明确精准条播育秧机插对籼粳杂交稻产量形成的影响及其在减氮条件下降低产量损失的作用。【方法】以甬优538和甬优1540为供试品种,精准条播(precision drill sowing, PS)16条机插,并以相同播种量传统撒播(broadcast sowing, BS)机插为对照,同时设置不施氮肥(0 kg/hm2, zero-nitrogen application rate, 0N)、适氮(240 kg/hm2, suitable nitrogen application rate, SN)、减氮15%(204 kg/hm2,reduced nitrogen application rate, RN)等3个氮肥施用梯度处理,分析比较产量形成、植株均匀度、干物质积累及氮利用效率。【结果】1)与撒播相比,精准条播通过提高有效穗数使籼粳杂交稻产量平均提高4.3%,减氮条件下精准条播处理的水稻产量降幅小于撒播。2) 精准条播显著降低漏秧率,提高机插苗数均匀度以及有效穗数均匀度。与撒播相比,精准条播处理提高减氮下高峰苗数,两个品种趋势一致。3)与撒播相比,精准条播增加抽穗期叶面积指数,同时增加了抽穗期和抽穗开花后的干物质积累和氮吸收总量,其中减氮处理下表现尤为明显。4) 除0N外,氮素干物质积累量和氮素稻谷生产效率在不同品种方式及氮处理间无显著差异,但精准条播处理显著提高了氮肥吸收利用效率和氮肥农学利用效率,两个品种趋势一致。【结论】精准条播机插能够提高籼粳杂交稻植株均匀度,增加高峰苗数和叶面积指数,促进干物质积累和氮素吸收,进而提高产量,有效减少氮肥减施下籼粳杂交稻的产量损失。
王亚梁, 朱德峰, 陈惠哲, 张玉屏, 向镜, 王志刚, 张义凯. 籼粳杂交稻精准条播育秧机插减氮增产的效应研究[J]. 中国水稻科学, 2021, 35(5): 495-502.
Yaliang WANG, Defeng ZHU, Huizhe CHEN, Yuping ZHANG, Jing XIANG, Zhigang WANG, Yikai ZHANG. Effects of Precise Drill Sowing-based Seedling Raising of indica-japonica Hybrid Rice for Mechanical Transplanting on Yield Increase Under Nitrogen Reduction Conditions[J]. Chinese Journal OF Rice Science, 2021, 35(5): 495-502.
图1 水稻生长期间空气温度、太阳辐射量和降雨量A–降雨量;B–太阳辐射量;C–气温。
Fig. 1. Air temperature, solar radiation and rainfall during growth duration of rice.A, Rainfall; B, Solar radiation; C, Air temperature.
品种 Cultivar | 处理 Treatment | 有效穗数 Number of productive Panicles/(×105·hm-2) | 每穗粒数 Number of spikelet per panicle | 结实率 Seed-setting rate /% | 千粒重 1000-grain weight /g | 产量 Yield /(t·hm-2) |
甬优538 Yongyou 538 | BS+0N | 14.8±0.1 e | 257.5±3.9 c | 87.0±2.2 a | 23.1±0.0 a | 7.7±0.0 e |
BS+SN | 17.4±0.2 b | 346.8±7.1 a | 81.0±0.8 b | 23.1±0.1 a | 11.3±0.2 c | |
BS+RN | 17.0±0.1 c | 332.0±3.0 b | 81.4±0.6 b | 23.1±0.1 a | 10.6±0.1 d | |
PS+0N | 15.7±0.4 d | 256.5±10.5 c | 85.7±2.6 a | 23.1±0.1 a | 7.7±0.0 e | |
PS+SN | 17.9±0.2 bc | 352.7±3.2 a | 80.7±1.1 b | 23.2±0.1 a | 11.8±0.1 a | |
PS+RN | 17.3±0.1 b | 341.5±6.1 ab | 80.8±0.5 b | 23.1±0.0 a | 11.0±0.2 c | |
甬优1540 Yongyou 1540 | BS+0N | 12.8±0.5 d | 309.2±6.8 c | 83.9±0.9 a | 23.0±0.5 a | 7.6±0.4 d |
BS+SN | 19.0±0.3 b | 361.2±2.7 ab | 83.8±1.0 a | 23.2±0.2 a | 13.3±0.0 b | |
BS+RN | 18.2±0.1 c | 354.2±1.2 ab | 83.2±0.4 a | 23.5±0.1 a | 12.6±0.1 c | |
PS+0N | 13.2±0.2 d | 306.1±5.4 c | 84.6±0.9 a | 22.9±0.5 a | 7.8±0.2 d | |
PS+SN | 19.9±0.4 a | 358.7±2.7 a | 84.0±1.1 a | 23.1±0.3 a | 13.8±0.1 a | |
PS+RN | 19.1±0.2 b | 353.0±4.1 b | 84.0±1.0 a | 23.4±0.3 a | 13.3±0.2 b |
表1 不同播种方式及氮梯度处理水稻产量及其结构的比较
Table 1 Comparison of grain yield and its components by various sowing methods under nitrogen gradient treatments.
品种 Cultivar | 处理 Treatment | 有效穗数 Number of productive Panicles/(×105·hm-2) | 每穗粒数 Number of spikelet per panicle | 结实率 Seed-setting rate /% | 千粒重 1000-grain weight /g | 产量 Yield /(t·hm-2) |
甬优538 Yongyou 538 | BS+0N | 14.8±0.1 e | 257.5±3.9 c | 87.0±2.2 a | 23.1±0.0 a | 7.7±0.0 e |
BS+SN | 17.4±0.2 b | 346.8±7.1 a | 81.0±0.8 b | 23.1±0.1 a | 11.3±0.2 c | |
BS+RN | 17.0±0.1 c | 332.0±3.0 b | 81.4±0.6 b | 23.1±0.1 a | 10.6±0.1 d | |
PS+0N | 15.7±0.4 d | 256.5±10.5 c | 85.7±2.6 a | 23.1±0.1 a | 7.7±0.0 e | |
PS+SN | 17.9±0.2 bc | 352.7±3.2 a | 80.7±1.1 b | 23.2±0.1 a | 11.8±0.1 a | |
PS+RN | 17.3±0.1 b | 341.5±6.1 ab | 80.8±0.5 b | 23.1±0.0 a | 11.0±0.2 c | |
甬优1540 Yongyou 1540 | BS+0N | 12.8±0.5 d | 309.2±6.8 c | 83.9±0.9 a | 23.0±0.5 a | 7.6±0.4 d |
BS+SN | 19.0±0.3 b | 361.2±2.7 ab | 83.8±1.0 a | 23.2±0.2 a | 13.3±0.0 b | |
BS+RN | 18.2±0.1 c | 354.2±1.2 ab | 83.2±0.4 a | 23.5±0.1 a | 12.6±0.1 c | |
PS+0N | 13.2±0.2 d | 306.1±5.4 c | 84.6±0.9 a | 22.9±0.5 a | 7.8±0.2 d | |
PS+SN | 19.9±0.4 a | 358.7±2.7 a | 84.0±1.1 a | 23.1±0.3 a | 13.8±0.1 a | |
PS+RN | 19.1±0.2 b | 353.0±4.1 b | 84.0±1.0 a | 23.4±0.3 a | 13.3±0.2 b |
品种 Cultivar | 处理 Treatment | 机插每穴苗数 Number of seedling per hill under mechanical transplanting | 漏秧率 Unplanted hill percent/% | 机插苗数均匀度 Uniformity of the seedling number under mechanical transplanting /% | 高峰苗数 Peak number of tillers /(×105·hm-2) | 成穗率 Productive tiller percentage/% | 有效穗数均匀度 Uniformity of the number of productive tillers/% |
甬优538 Yongyou 538 | BS+0N | 2.7±0.1 a | 10.4±0.8 a | 43.8±2.1 b | 19.8±1.1 c | 71.4±4.7 a | 50.4±1.4 b |
BS+SN | 2.7±0.1 a | 10.6±0.5 a | 43.3±1.8 b | 28.3±0.6 ab | 60.7±0.8 b | 49.5±1.5 b | |
BS+RN | 2.7±0.1 a | 11.0±0.2 a | 45.1±1.4 b | 26.5±0.6 b | 62.1±2.2 b | 49.1±1.7 b | |
PS+0N | 2.7±0.1 a | 3.7±0.4 b | 82.2±2.8 a | 21.5±0.8 c | 71.8±3.2 a | 71.2±6.1 a | |
PS+SN | 2.7±0.1 a | 3.3±0.7 b | 82.3±2.4 a | 29.0±1.7 a | 61.8±3.0 b | 66.4±3.7 a | |
PS+RN | 2.7±0.0 a | 3.3±1.1 b | 81.0±2.6 a | 28.2±1.5 ab | 61.4±3.1 b | 71.1±2.7 a | |
甬优1540 Yongyou 1540 | BS+0N | 2.7±0.0 a | 10.7±0.5 a | 43.9±1.2 b | 16.8±0.3 c | 74.3±1.3 a | 40.3±4.7 b |
BS+SN | 2.7±0.0 a | 9.8±0.8 a | 42.9±2.4 b | 29.4±0.7 b | 65.1±1.2 b | 39.1±8.1 b | |
BS+RN | 2.7±0.0 a | 10.9±1.2 a | 44.1±1.6 b | 28.9±0.4 b | 63.1±1.1 b | 40.2±8.4 b | |
PS+0N | 2.6±0.1 a | 3.7±0.9 b | 79.1±2.5 a | 17.7±0.4 c | 74.4±0.9 a | 66.2±1.7 a | |
PS+SN | 2.6±0.1 a | 3.3±0.7 b | 80.4±0.8 a | 30.5±0.2 a | 66.0±0.4 b | 63.5±4.2 a | |
PS+RN | 2.6±0.1 a | 3.3±0.7 b | 81.0±2.0 a | 29.5±0.1 b | 63.8±0.6 b | 65.1±4.6 a |
表2 不同播种方式及氮梯度处理水稻机插苗均匀度及群体分蘖特性的比较
Table 2 Comparison of the uniformity of the seedling under mechanical transplanting and tillering characteristics by various sowing methods at different nitrogen gradient levels.
品种 Cultivar | 处理 Treatment | 机插每穴苗数 Number of seedling per hill under mechanical transplanting | 漏秧率 Unplanted hill percent/% | 机插苗数均匀度 Uniformity of the seedling number under mechanical transplanting /% | 高峰苗数 Peak number of tillers /(×105·hm-2) | 成穗率 Productive tiller percentage/% | 有效穗数均匀度 Uniformity of the number of productive tillers/% |
甬优538 Yongyou 538 | BS+0N | 2.7±0.1 a | 10.4±0.8 a | 43.8±2.1 b | 19.8±1.1 c | 71.4±4.7 a | 50.4±1.4 b |
BS+SN | 2.7±0.1 a | 10.6±0.5 a | 43.3±1.8 b | 28.3±0.6 ab | 60.7±0.8 b | 49.5±1.5 b | |
BS+RN | 2.7±0.1 a | 11.0±0.2 a | 45.1±1.4 b | 26.5±0.6 b | 62.1±2.2 b | 49.1±1.7 b | |
PS+0N | 2.7±0.1 a | 3.7±0.4 b | 82.2±2.8 a | 21.5±0.8 c | 71.8±3.2 a | 71.2±6.1 a | |
PS+SN | 2.7±0.1 a | 3.3±0.7 b | 82.3±2.4 a | 29.0±1.7 a | 61.8±3.0 b | 66.4±3.7 a | |
PS+RN | 2.7±0.0 a | 3.3±1.1 b | 81.0±2.6 a | 28.2±1.5 ab | 61.4±3.1 b | 71.1±2.7 a | |
甬优1540 Yongyou 1540 | BS+0N | 2.7±0.0 a | 10.7±0.5 a | 43.9±1.2 b | 16.8±0.3 c | 74.3±1.3 a | 40.3±4.7 b |
BS+SN | 2.7±0.0 a | 9.8±0.8 a | 42.9±2.4 b | 29.4±0.7 b | 65.1±1.2 b | 39.1±8.1 b | |
BS+RN | 2.7±0.0 a | 10.9±1.2 a | 44.1±1.6 b | 28.9±0.4 b | 63.1±1.1 b | 40.2±8.4 b | |
PS+0N | 2.6±0.1 a | 3.7±0.9 b | 79.1±2.5 a | 17.7±0.4 c | 74.4±0.9 a | 66.2±1.7 a | |
PS+SN | 2.6±0.1 a | 3.3±0.7 b | 80.4±0.8 a | 30.5±0.2 a | 66.0±0.4 b | 63.5±4.2 a | |
PS+RN | 2.6±0.1 a | 3.3±0.7 b | 81.0±2.0 a | 29.5±0.1 b | 63.8±0.6 b | 65.1±4.6 a |
图2 不同播种方式及氮肥处理下水稻群体抽穗期叶面积指数数据为平均数±标准差;不同小写字母表示处理间差异显著(P<0.05, n=3)。下同。
Fig. 2. Comparison of leaf area index of rice population by various sowing methods at different nitrogen application levels.Values are Mean±SD; Bars superscripted by different lowercase letters are significantly different at 0.05 level among treatments(n=3). The same as below.
图3 不同播种方式及氮肥处理下水稻群体干物质积累量A–抽穗期干物质积累; B–抽穗-成熟期干物质积累。
Fig. 3. Comparison of dry matter accumulation of rice population by various sowing methods at different nitrogen application levels.A, Dry matter accumulation at heading stage; B, Dry matter accumulation from heading to maturing.
图4 不同播种方式及氮梯度处理水稻群体总氮积累量A–抽穗期总氮积累量; B–抽穗-成熟期总氮积累量。
Fig. 4. Comparison of total nitrogen accumulation of rice population by various sowing methods at different nitrogen application levels.A, Nitrogen accumulation at heading stage; B, Nitrogen accumulation from heading to maturing.
品种 Cultivar | 处理 Treatment | 氮素干物质生产效率 Nitrogen dry matter production efficiency/(kg·kg-1) | 氮素稻谷生产效率 Nitrogen grain production efficiency/(kg·kg-1) | 氮肥吸收利用率 Nitrogen recovery efficiency/% | 氮肥农学利用效率 Nitrogen agronomic use efficiency/% |
甬优538 Yongyou 538 | BS+0N | 139.9±1.7 a | 79.7±3.7 a | ||
BS+SN | 90.9±1.5 bc | 61.8±1.9 b | 34.7±1.8 b | 15.2±0.8 bc | |
BS+RN | 94.3±2.2 b | 63.2±1.1 b | 33.6±1.6 b | 14.6±0.1 c | |
PS+0N | 142.4±5.5 a | 75.3±6.1 a | |||
PS+SN | 88.2±0.8 c | 59.6±0.3 b | 41.0±0.9 a | 17.0±0.6 a | |
PS+RN | 92.0±1.9 bc | 60.7±0.6 b | 40.4±1.8 a | 16.4±0.8 ab | |
甬优1540 Yongyou 1540 | BS+0N | 125.3±5.7 a | 75.2±5.6 ab | ||
BS+SN | 103.9±1.3 b | 68.9±0.5 c | 38.1±1.0 b | 23.7±0.3 c | |
BS+RN | 105.0±2.2 b | 68.2±1.1 c | 40.6±2.1 ab | 24.3±0.5 bc | |
PS+0N | 128.4±0.9 a | 76.5±0.9 a | |||
PS+SN | 107.4±0.7 b | 68.7±1.2 c | 41.3±1.4 a | 25.0±0.3 b | |
PS+RN | 108.1±0.7 b | 71.6±1.7 bc | 40.5±0.9 ab | 26.5±0.9 a |
表3 不同播种方式及氮梯度处理水稻群体氮吸收和利用效率
Table 3 Comparison of nitrogen absorption and utilization efficiency by various sowing methods at different nitrogen application levels.
品种 Cultivar | 处理 Treatment | 氮素干物质生产效率 Nitrogen dry matter production efficiency/(kg·kg-1) | 氮素稻谷生产效率 Nitrogen grain production efficiency/(kg·kg-1) | 氮肥吸收利用率 Nitrogen recovery efficiency/% | 氮肥农学利用效率 Nitrogen agronomic use efficiency/% |
甬优538 Yongyou 538 | BS+0N | 139.9±1.7 a | 79.7±3.7 a | ||
BS+SN | 90.9±1.5 bc | 61.8±1.9 b | 34.7±1.8 b | 15.2±0.8 bc | |
BS+RN | 94.3±2.2 b | 63.2±1.1 b | 33.6±1.6 b | 14.6±0.1 c | |
PS+0N | 142.4±5.5 a | 75.3±6.1 a | |||
PS+SN | 88.2±0.8 c | 59.6±0.3 b | 41.0±0.9 a | 17.0±0.6 a | |
PS+RN | 92.0±1.9 bc | 60.7±0.6 b | 40.4±1.8 a | 16.4±0.8 ab | |
甬优1540 Yongyou 1540 | BS+0N | 125.3±5.7 a | 75.2±5.6 ab | ||
BS+SN | 103.9±1.3 b | 68.9±0.5 c | 38.1±1.0 b | 23.7±0.3 c | |
BS+RN | 105.0±2.2 b | 68.2±1.1 c | 40.6±2.1 ab | 24.3±0.5 bc | |
PS+0N | 128.4±0.9 a | 76.5±0.9 a | |||
PS+SN | 107.4±0.7 b | 68.7±1.2 c | 41.3±1.4 a | 25.0±0.3 b | |
PS+RN | 108.1±0.7 b | 71.6±1.7 bc | 40.5±0.9 ab | 26.5±0.9 a |
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